As an aid to visitors to Dallington Forest, the Tree Warden for Brightling and Dallington is creating self-guided walks.
Each walk has not only directions but also descriptions of notable forest sights and information to add extra interest to the walk.
The duration of each walk, its difficulty for varying age groups and any dog-unfriendly stiles are clearly described.
Due to the lack of parking in the forest iteself, and the possibility of damage to wildlife verges and obstructions to local residents if cars are parked on roadsides, cars should be left at the locations recommended for each walk.
Better still, leave the car at home if you can!
Dallington Forest Walk #01 – Ancient Woodland, Hollow Ways, and the PoW Tree
Dallington Forest Walk #02 – Conservation woodland, Veteran Pollard Beeches, ‘King and Queen’, Ancient Hedgerows