There are abundant archaeological features within the project area. A survey by Dr. Nicola Bannister in 2016 of a 23 acre compartment highlighted numerous features including wood banks, charcoal hearths, saw pits, quarries and hollow ways.

Earlier archaeological surveys by the Wealden Iron Research Group (WIRG) discovered evidence of Anglo-Saxon, Roman and later ironworking.

Increasing the survey area would likely be of benefit to the further understanding of uses of Dallington Forest. These archaeological features are replicated throughout the project area and tree forms are often associated with them. For example, veteran standard trees within coppice woodland, open grown trees within heathland or most commonly laid and stub cut ancient and veteran trees on woodbanks.

FORGE WOOD, Brightling, East Sussex, Archaeological Assessment by Dr Nicola R. Bannister ACIfA

Woodland Trust Archaeological Survey of Forge Wood, Dallington Forest

WIRG reports on Ironworking in and around Dallington Forest